Our Clients replaced


Our Clients



MultiMed Billing Service

Ambulance and EMT Billing Company
Baldwinsville, New York
Project Description: IP Digital established an Imaging System used to collect EMT paperwork from over 100 locations, in a variety of formats. Collected documents routed through a workflow for coding and integration with the company’s billing system.



Emergency Room Billing Company
Bedford, MA
Project Description: IP Digital developed an Imaging System which forms the basis of work distribution, both in capturing and coding from remote locations. Our unique design broke the mold for the TPA business by eliminating geographic limitations. Laserfiche and AnyDoc installed in 2003.


AmerisourceBergen, Eastern Region

Chesterbrook, PA
Project Description: IP Digital implemented a Laserfiche System, used to collect and track customer shipping documents, returns, DEA, and Board of Pharmacy Licenses, HR Documents. Once up and running, receivables collections dramatically improved.


Littleton Regional Healthcare

Littleton, MA
Project Description: IP Digital designed and implemented a Medical Records Laserfiche System used in Medical Records. Critical information may now be published hospital-wide through a web interface. The addition of Bar Codes and Quick Fields allows for extremely efficient, high volume records processing. Since implementation in 2003, over eight million images have been added to the system.


AIM Mutual Insurance

Worker’s compensation insurance carrier
Burlington MA
Project Description: IP Digital design a Laserfiche workflow, supported by high levels of automation via Real-Time Lookup, to support claims processing.


Systems Converted by IP Digital

Atmos Energy, Dallas Tx
Application Extender
City of Truth or Consequences, NM
Town of Ridgefield, CT
City of Gastonville, NC
Canon ImageWare
Village of Carol Stream, IL (Including encrypted images)
Aggreko Steel, TX
O’Brien Steel, Il
Copy and Camera, Green Bay WI
Kofax Capio
Selden Fire Department, Selden, NY
Counsel Trust, Town of Bethel, PA
Brennan Recupero Cascione Scungio & McAllister, Providence RI
Counsel Trust, York PA
Montebello Law, Providence RI
O’Donnell Insurance, Gettysburg PA
Acton Mobile Industries, MD
Truro College of Law, NY
Hodges Southwest
FileNet (Content Server and P8)
Ford Motor Company (Legal Division)
City of Salem, WA
Marion County WA
City of Santa Monica, CA
Cowlitz County, WA
Fresno County, CA (Public Health and Probation)
Greenville Utility Commission, Greenville NC
Brick Township NJ
Town of Chesterton, IL
Town of Lake Forest, IL
IBM Content Management
Mays Department Stores
Kentucky Farm Bureau